Jan 13/04    This is not part of my diary!!
I seem to have messed up my diary in Burkina Faso. I don't have an entry for this day and according to one entry something does not match. I don't plan on changing my diary. I'm putting it in the way I wrote it. I've noticed some mistakes myself. Maybe I was more tired than I thought or my mind was elsewhere. So just read and enjoy.

This picture was taken on the 13th.  It is typical of our coffee breaks under the mango tree.  Paul made special effort to treat us and often served us ice cold coke.  I had never been a big Coke fan in the past but for some reason if became a big hit with me and I tried to buy it even when we traveled in Burkina.  I think it was the fact that it was in glass.  I've tried to find it in Canada in glass but have had no success.  It's not the same in plastic.