Jan 11/04
Went to church in Oradara.  Paul & I went 10 min early to arrange for translation into english.  They translated from french into Jula & while they did that Paul translated into English.  The service started at 9 but they were already playing music when we got there.  The preacher said that it would be fine to translate.  Also if we took pictures.  Nice service.  The message was on house building & he mentioned that there was a Canadian work team there to help Paul & Lois build on their house.  The comparison was to how we were building our hearts & our lives to let Christ live in it.  Lillian & her parents & Carmela & Luanna & I went to Solo & Orikia's for dinner.  Ate outside under a mango tree with the hens & little chicks running around.  We were served toe made from sorgum with a dipping sauce & chicken served for desert.  Toe is bland, sauce is hot & the chicken was tender.  We washed our hands & ate with them.  Leaving is quite involed as we have to ask for the road before we left.  We had played 2 rounds of Uno.  On the way back we stopped at another place & soon found out they wanted to serve tea & that it could take some time and Luanna was on the supper team and needed to get back so we got permission to leave & Carmela toke us back to our guest house and she went back and stayed longer.  Took a nap & checked out where to string up my antenna.  Had supper,helped with the dishes.  Afterwards we all got together & sang some songs and prayed together.  Checked out Jims power supplies for his camera & computer & assured him they should work on 220-50Hz current.  Jim is much better after switching malaria medication.

After dinner we played cards at Solo and Orikia's place.