March 31, 2006
Nobody wants the water at their place in spring.  Somebody has to help it along.

March 31, 2006
Must be spring, the creeks running over the road again.

March 25, 2006
Interesting night sky.

March 24, 2006
Think I can tunnel through the pile!

March 15,2006
A nice winter road into the pit.  In a few days this will look completly different.

March 15,2006
A few days later the snow on the trees looks much different.

March 12, 2006
Had a nice snowfall on the week end to make up for the snow that had already melted.

March 7, 2006
Spent the day hauling garbage to the dump.

Feb 24,2006
A nice load of firewood for the shop.

Feb 20, 2006
Today we were kept entertained putting the tracks back on a TD-25C.

Feb 11, 2006
Spike's boss insists that he saw this dragline in this pit.

Feb 7, 2006
Not much happening, so I did some reminising.  Last April my wife and I went to pick up a different bucket for the 80.  Found a bucket in Naicom, SK.

Feb 2, 2006
Seemed almost strange driving truck again.

Jan 27, 2006
Had a lovely day.  Spent the day cutting fence lines with a nice D7R.

Jan 17, 2006
Do you think he know's anything about our cedars?  A guilty conscience maybe?

Jan 14, 2006
You'd almost think you were coming along a winter road comming into our yard from the east.

Jan 11, 2006
We spent the day in Grand Forks yesterday.  Saw some lovely ice sculptures.

Jan 06, 2006
Our lovely cedars got a good trimming.  Good thing the deer aren't any taller or we'd have no idea what kind of shrubs we have at the end of the house.  My wife is not a happy camper.  Cedar flavoured deer steak anyone?

Jan 02, 2006
We must have had an inversion or something, the smoke from the wood stove just went up a short ways and then just wanted to hang around.

Dec 30, 2005
This morning there was fresh snow on the ground.  It was not enough snow to warrant plowing the streets in Blumenort except for the fact that we had already missed a number of small snows since the last plow.  So off to work.

Dec 29, 2005
Last weekend when I went to add wood to the fire I was greeted with a rush of water when I opened the door of the woodstove.  That meant cleaning out the woodstove and filling it with water and finding the leak.  Then I drained it and got to work fixing it.  It's amazing how long it takes to fix a small leak.  I couldn't turn the stick welder down far enough so I had to get the mig out and weld it with that.